How To Start An Llc - Part One

how to start an llc

If you're interested in how to setup an llc, then read this article. Many people do not know how to begin an LLC, and that is unfortunate because it can be very simple and cost effective. An LLC is a legal company, so owners can run the business as their own. That is why learning how to start an llc with minimal fuss is really a wise move.


Not only do LLCs protect your personal finances from any potential business liability, but they also are quick and convenient to establish. In seven steps and no attorneys needed, to prove how to start an LLC on your own today. Once established, an LLC has all of the same benefits as any other S-corporation, such as: limited liability, pass-through management structure, unlimited partnership, and asset protection. Additionally, unlike a corporation, there are no mandatory minimum distributions or annual fees to pay. If you're looking for a low-cost way to form an LLC, consider using online services.


Once you decide to form an LLC, you will need to select a filing type. Most people choose the simplest route and file a 'for profit' limited liability company. While this route ensures that no personal assets will be involved in the LLC's management, it does not provide any asset protection for your personal finances. An LLC filing with a state allows you to secure some protection against the domicile of your new business. However, each state has different laws governing LLCs, so it is important to review the laws in your particular state before filing.

How to Start an LLC - Part One


You will also need to register your LLC, obtain all required permits, and pay the required taxes. All of these things can be accomplished at your local office. If you have chosen not to register your business, you will be required to apply for state licenses. Additionally, you will have to pay the necessary taxes, obtain any local licenses, and comply with the various licensing regulations.


The next step on how to start an LLC involves the process of completing the Articles of Organization. All LLCs must file Articles of Organization with the state within two months after filing with the state. The forms are available from your local office. Business owners may choose to use a paper form, or they may hire a professional writer to complete the Articles of Organization for them. After the Articles of Organization have been filed, the LLC will be formally recognized as a legal entity.


The third step on how to start an LLC involves starting an account at a local business bank account. The office may either allow you to open an account on your own, or provide you with a Business Check. Either way, once you receive the Business Check, you will have to send it to the Office of the Secretary of State. The Office of the Secretary of State will provide you with a Business License in the format that the LLC needs to file its Articles of Organization. Once you receive the license, you can begin operating your LLC.


The fourth and final step on how to start an LLC involves hiring a registered agent. An individual or group of individuals that meet the legal requirement to act as the Agent for the LLC. The registered agent can file articles of organization or purchase a certificate of authority, and then serve as the Agent for your LLC. However, if you already know the name of the business (first name, last name, or both) and the business license number (or BIN), you can file your own articles of organization. The person or group that you hire to serve as your agent should file all of your paperwork with the Secretary of State as well.


The above processes are the basics of how to start an LLC. There is one other key requirement that you need to fulfill in order to become recognized as an LLC. You will need to file your federal and state tax returns and pay the appropriate taxes. This includes both income taxes and corporate taxes.

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